Use the full potential of your customer data!
Turn customer data into customer insight
The Refining Smart Data process supports businesses through a variety of data-based applications. The workflow supports business challenges in 9 steps from the initial goal-setting to implementation and the final model and method checks.
As business goes digital, companies are gaining increasing amounts of data from a wide variety of sources. But in order for it to be analysed and processed, these data need to become accessible in a centralised way and linked up.
Modeling is made easier by methods of machine learning (also referred to as artificial intelligence) as well as automated A/B tests performed in thousands.
These models may assist the monitoring and management of marketing campaigns. Their results enable a qualitative assessement of the models as well as increase the efficiency of the individual channels, instruments and activities.
The newly-gained insights are fed back from the campaign model into the data centre. This is how the Refining Smart Data process may be applied or restarted at any time, allowing to continuously optimise your database and increase your productivity.
The benefits of working with Corvendor:
The purified data from internal and external sources become your new intelligence centre.
New technologies integration allows you to identify, shape and support the most relevant campaign for each customer in the most suitable way.
Valuable information and forecasts about the purchasing behaviour of your current or prospective customers becomes easily available.
The collaboration between your marketing and sales teams as well as your partners becomes optimised through data-based, automated processes.
Georg Zedlacher
Chief of Staff Marketing EMEA
Georg Zedlacher
Marketingleiter Dell EMC
We have commissioned Corvendor to build an EMEA online sales system – the main component of our strategic lead generation framework at Dell Technologies in the EMEA. Today, we can testify that our results have been excellent. The Corvendor system enables us to forward leads from our IT projects to Sales in a structured way. It gives us support in both our general project planning as well as business management. It allows us to segment and thus accurately predict the number of leads and the marketing pipeline.
Due to a lack of own resources and experience in this particular area, we entrusted Corvendor to provide their expertise. Their approach is very structured and, significantly, cross-departmental, which positively affected our results. After 6 months of working together, we calibrated our current status an subsequently implemented the developed processes into our existing infrastructure.We can highly recommend working with Corvendor, especially in the area of data-based decision-making.
The Refining Smart Data Workflow
Targeted, data-driven campaigns in 9 steps
Use Cases
Find out by checking our case studies how we can practically support your business, and how Refining Smart Data can make your operations easier and more successful.
Reiner Rübel
The secret to successful campaigns…
With Refining Smart Data, we can make your day-to-day business and your strategic development much easier.
The refined workflow of your campaigns allows you to quickly identify high-quality leads, get supported along the customer journey as well as actively monitor and manage the customer experience.
Georg Klauser
Managing Director Boston
Georg Klauser
Managing Director Boston
In order to establish our company on the German-speaking market, we commissioned Corvendor to develop an appropriate business plan. Corvendor have supported us very efficiently in setting up our reporting system, sales management, segmentation and online sales platform.
Our decision to invest in the DACH market was based on the expertise that our parent company in the UK received in reporting, KPI calculation and data modelling.Their extensive expertise in retail and sales management allowed Corvendor to design a business plan with projected coverage and turnover; we reached these targets within our 2-year start-up phase. Especially in the first 6 months, we have had a very close collaboration with Corvendor. As of the second quarter, we were able to kickstart our sales thanks to their detailed planning.
Their proven expertise in online marketing and data management as well as their excellent implementation of the business plan have made our collaboration with Corvendor extremely satisfactory.
Our experts
Our core team consists of Reiner Rübel and Prof. Dr. Stefan Rüger, with affiliated experts available whenever and wherever needed.
Reiner RübelMarketing Consultant
Founder & managing director of Corvendor GmbH
Core competencies: Data-based marketing campaigns for lead generation and customer acquisition for enterprise and medium-sized customers.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rüger
Data Mining
Professor of Computer Science at the Open University Milton Keynes
Core Competencies: Doctorate in Computer Science in the field of neural networks. Research in “Multimedia Information Retrieval”. Professor for “Knowledge Media” at the Open University, Milton Keynes, advisor on the topics of “Data Mining” and information management projects.
Dirk Niemann
Managing Director ERGO Insurance UK Branch
Dirk Niemann
Managing Director ERGO Insurance UK Branch
As a large insurance company, we receive thousands of settlement claims every day, which need to be processed in great detail by our consulting partners. We have experienced too too many claims being written off, falling outside the scope of their local risk group. Therefore we urgently required a management tool that works with accurate data from local risk assessments for storm, hail, flood, terrorism, theft, etc.
Corvendor have set up an online management platform which allows our consulting partners in the UK and Ireland to reliably calculate insurance premiums based on the actual risks in the 2 million postcode areas concerned. This accurate risk assessment that Corvendor’s online management platform allows, has led to a significant increase in our margin and was perfectly tailored to our needs.
We were also impressed by the developers’ fast work: after only 6 weeks we were able to thoroughly test the prototype of the web application. The first test version, which was sent to selected business partners, was ready-to-use after about 6 months only. In the meantime, our database and online platform have had their performance and data sets updated annually.
We are delighted to recommend Corvendor as we have been fully convinced of both the speed and the high quality of their work!