Executive dashboard reporting with deep-dive campaign analysis
Executive Dashboard Reporting starts with weekly progress: number of targets included in the campaign, e.g. mailed, took part in a webinar, visited an event or where called by telemarketing.
From the number of members and their development as far as next step derive conversion rate KPIs. Example: number of individuals who opened a mail and asked for more information of companies which responded with yes, we have a project during a telemarketing activity.
We help you create and understand effective executive dashboard reporting metrics. What results are worth measuring and how to get the most from them.
Traditional funnel based reporting rely on measurements like cost per lead, and lead to sale to conversion rates. By understanding the buyers journey, we can map where they are in the funnel, creating objectives to keep the prospect moving along, stage by stage, providing clear steps and information for them to take to ultimately become customers.
Content first reporting, applying a variety of reporting tools, including;
- Bespoke mobile and web apps
- CRM built-in dashboards like Salesforce and,
- Dashboard applications like Python